Let’s move a wall.

Now that the new addition is open, the laundry room wall doesn’t line up with the new wall adjoining it.

It’s all catawampus. And the paneling is gross. There’s actually three different kinds of paneling going on there: shitty, shittier and shittiest.

And the doorway is in the wrong place. It’s time to move the wall. Easy stuff.


I feel like we bought all these light fixtures a year ago and they’ve just been sitting in boxes waiting for the house to get finished.

No fan of the fan

I can’t overstate how much Inky was afraid of this ceiling fan. For weeks, she would love going upstairs to explore, but she would NOT go in the bedroom. At the doorway, she would look up and see the fan, and she would freeze, wide-eyed and poofy-furred, and then slink away to the bathroom in retreat. It’s as if she thinks it’s the Eye of Mordor.

If in the future that ceiling fan falls on my head, I guess I can say my cat told me so.