The drawer works and everything. Fancy!
Author Archives: Jef
Scrap Wood Project – a little table
Made from leftover stair treads. I cut them down to 1″ x 1″ sticks and glued them together until they looked like a table.
Twilight Garden
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A little light humor.
Just Add Stairs
20′ Deck Planks
Each plank of decking was 20 feet long. They’re made out of a composite of wood fiber and plastic, and the longer they sit in the sun the more bendy they are. Imagine carrying a spaghetti noodle that weighs about 70 pounds. You get the picture. Just getting them into the shop so I could chop them to length was a challenge. It wasn’t until the deck was almost done that I realized I could have probably just set up my saw outside near the planks.